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New Zealand Phone Number Format: A Complete Guide

Separate your personal and professional phone lines by getting a secure and cost-effective temporary phone number.

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Paras Kela

Senior Writer: Paras Kela

green tickReading Time: 7 Minutes
green tickPublished : February 8, 2024

Communication plays a pivotal role, and having a clear understanding of different countries’ phone number formats is essential for effective interaction. New Zealand, a picturesque island nation in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, is no exception. In fact, the number of mobile phone connections exceeds the NZ population. This reflects the importance of learning New Zealand phone number formats.

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 In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the New Zealand phone number format, providing you with valuable insights and examples.

What Is the New Zealand Phone Number Format? 

New Zealand’s phone numbers follow a specific format, characterized by a country code, an area code, and the subscriber’s local number. Let’s break down each component to better understand the structure:

What Is the New Zealand Phone Number Format

  • Country Code

New Zealand’s country code is +64. This code is used when dialing internationally to reach a New Zealand phone number. When calling from within New Zealand, you don’t need to include the country code.

  • Area Code

The area code in New Zealand is an essential part of the phone number, helping identify the specific geographic location of the phone line. Different regions in New Zealand have unique area codes. These codes typically consist of two to four digits.

  • Local Number

The local number follows the area code and is unique to each subscriber within that region. It usually consists of six to eight digits.

Whether you’re a resident, a business professional, or an international caller, knowing how to correctly structure and interpret phone numbers ensures that your connections are smooth and hassle-free.

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When obtaining a virtual number for New Zealand, prioritize providers offering a comprehensive set of features tailored to your communication needs. Ensure that the chosen provider aligns with your scalability requirements, integrates seamlessly with your existing tools, and provides excellent customer support for a smooth and reliable experience. You can check out CallHippo, a leading provider of international phone numbers for businesses.

New Zealand Phone Number Example 

Suppose you have a customer in Auckland, and you need to contact them. Auckland, being a major city in New Zealand, has its own specific area code. For this example, let’s assume the area code for Auckland is “09,” which is a commonly used area code for the Auckland region.

New Zealand Phone Number Example

Now, let’s say your customer’s local number is “8765432.” Combining the area code and the local number, the full New Zealand mobile number format for your customer in Auckland would be:

  • For International Calls: +64 9 8765432

Here, “+64” is the country code for New Zealand, “9” is the area code for Auckland, and “8765432” is the local number.

  • For Domestic Calls (within New Zealand): 09 8765432

In this case, when dialing the number within New Zealand, you omit the country code, and “09” represents the area code for Auckland, followed by the local number “8765432.”

How To Dial a New Zealand Phone Number?

1. International Calls to New Zealand

  • Start by entering the exit code of your country (e.g., “+“, “00“).
  • Input the country code for New Zealand, which is +64.
  • Add the specific area code of the region you are calling within New Zealand (e.g., “09” for Auckland, “04” for Wellington).
  • Dial the local number of the person or business you are trying to reach.

2. Domestic Calls within New Zealand

  • Dial the area code of the region you want to reach within New Zealand.
  • After entering the area code, dial the local number of the person or business.


  • For a local call to the same Auckland number (09 8765432): 09 8765432.

Types of New Zealand Phone Numbers 

In New Zealand, various types of NZ mobile number formats serve different purposes, ranging from landlines and mobile phones to toll-free and emergency numbers. Understanding the distinctions between these types is crucial for effective communication. Let’s explore the different types of phone numbers in New Zealand:

1. Landline Numbers

Landline numbers in New Zealand are associated with physical addresses. They consist of an area code representing the geographic location and a local number identifying the specific subscriber.


  • Auckland landline: 09 8765432
  • Wellington landline: 04 7654321

2. Mobile Phone Numbers

Mobile phone numbers in New Zealand are assigned to individuals or businesses and are not tied to a specific geographic location. They typically start with a specific prefix denoting the mobile carrier.


  • Vodafone mobile: 021 1234567
  • Spark mobile: 027 7654321

3. Toll-Free Numbers

Toll-free numbers are prefixed with specific codes (e.g., 0800 or 0508) and allow callers to reach businesses or services without incurring charges. The called party bears the cost of the call.

New Zealand Toll-Free Numbers


  • Toll-free business line: 0800 987654

4. Premium Rate Numbers

Premium rate numbers are prefixed with codes like 0900, and callers are charged a higher rate for using these services. These numbers often provide information or entertainment services.


  • Premium rate information line: 0900 5551234

5. Government and Local Authority Numbers

Government agencies and local authorities in New Zealand have specific phone numbers for public inquiries, services, and administrative purposes.

Government and Local Authority Numbers


  • Local council information line: 0800 123456

6. Emergency Numbers

The primary emergency number in New Zealand is 111. It connects callers to police, fire, ambulance, and other emergency services.


  • Emergency Services: 111

7. Special Service Numbers

Various special service phone numbers in New Zealand, such as directory assistance and customer service hotlines, cater to specific needs and are often provided by telecommunications companies.


  • Directory assistance: 018

8. Non-Geographic Numbers

Non-geographic numbers, like those starting with 0508, are not tied to a specific region. They are often used by businesses for national services.


  • National customer support: 0508 765432

Understanding the types of phone numbers in New Zealand helps individuals and businesses communicate effectively and access the services they need. Whether it’s for local calls, business inquiries, or emergencies, knowing the specific type of phone number can streamline communication processes.

Why Should You Get a Virtual Number for New Zealand? 

One innovative solution that has gained popularity is acquiring a virtual number. A virtual number for New Zealand can offer numerous advantages for individuals and businesses alike. Let’s delve into the reasons why obtaining a virtual number for New Zealand can be beneficial:

1. Global Presence

A virtual number allows you to establish a local presence in New Zealand without having a physical office or location there. This is particularly advantageous for businesses looking to expand their reach and serve customers in New Zealand without the need for a physical presence.

2. Cost-Efficiency

Setting up and maintaining a traditional phone line can be expensive, especially for international businesses. Virtual numbers typically offer cost-effective solutions, with providers often offering flexible plans and pay-as-you-go options.

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3. Accessibility


Virtual numbers provide accessibility, allowing businesses to be reachable to customers in New Zealand without incurring international calling charges. This accessibility enhances customer satisfaction and facilitates communication with local partners and clients.

4. Professionalism

Having a local New Zealand virtual number can enhance the professional image of your business. It instills trust and confidence in customers and partners, as they perceive your organization as being invested in the local market.

5. Flexibility and Mobility

Flexibility and Mobility

Virtual numbers are not tied to a physical location. This flexibility allows you to manage calls and messages from anywhere, providing mobility and adaptability for businesses with remote or traveling employees.

6. Call Management Features

Virtual number providers often offer a range of call management features, including call forwarding, voicemail, and interactive voice response (IVR). These features contribute to an efficient and professional call-handling process.

7. Marketing and Advertising

For marketing campaigns targeting the New Zealand market, a virtual number with a New Zealand area code can enhance campaign effectiveness. It encourages local customers to engage with your business, as they are more likely to trust and respond to a familiar local number.

How to Get a New Zealand Virtual Number? 

Acquiring a New Zealand virtual number is a straightforward process that involves choosing a virtual number provider, selecting your desired features, and setting up your virtual communication system. Here’s a detailed guide on how to get a New Zealand virtual number:

1. Research Virtual Number Providers

Start by researching virtual number providers that offer services in New Zealand. Look for reputable providers with positive reviews, reliable customer support, and a range of features that meet your communication needs.

2. Select Your Features

Identify the features you need for your virtual number. Common features include call forwarding, voicemail, interactive voice response (IVR), and call recording. Choose a provider that offers a flexible package with the features that align with your business requirements.

3. Choose a New Zealand Area Code

Choose a New Zealand Area Code

Decide on the New Zealand area code you want for your virtual number. This choice depends on your target audience or the region you wish to establish a local presence in. Different area codes represent various cities or regions in New Zealand.

4. Sign Up for a Virtual Number

Once you’ve selected a provider and decided on your features and area code, proceed to sign up for a virtual number. This typically involves creating an account on the provider’s website, choosing your plan, and entering necessary information.

5. Verify Your Identity

Some virtual number providers may require you to verify your identity for security purposes. This verification process often involves submitting relevant documents to confirm your identity and business details.

6. Customize Your Settings

After signing up, log in to your virtual number provider’s dashboard to customize your settings. This includes configuring call forwarding rules, setting up voicemail greetings, and adjusting other preferences based on your business needs.

7. Integrate with Communication Tools

Integrate with Communication Tools

If you use communication tools like business phone systems or customer relationship management (CRM) software, check if your virtual number provider offers integration options. Integrating your virtual number with other tools streamlines your communication processes.

8. Test Your Virtual Number

Before fully implementing your virtual number, conduct test calls to ensure that call forwarding, voicemail, and other features are working as expected. This step helps identify and address any issues before you start using the virtual number for regular business communication.

By following these steps, you can successfully obtain a New Zealand virtual number and integrate it into your communication strategy. Whether you’re a business expanding to the New Zealand market or an individual seeking a local presence, a virtual number offers a flexible and efficient solution for communication.


In conclusion, obtaining a New Zealand virtual number is a strategic move that offers a myriad of benefits for both individuals and businesses. The process involves careful consideration of features, selection of a reputable provider, and customization of settings to align with specific communication needs. By choosing a New Zealand area code, users can establish a local presence without the need for a physical location, fostering trust and accessibility.

Frequently Asked Questions

A standard New Zealand phone number consists of 10 digits, including the country code, area code, and local number.

New Zealand phone numbers are identified by the country code (+64) followed by the specific area code and local number. Area codes vary based on the geographic location.

The names of the top 5 New Zealand phone number providers are Vodafone, Spark, 2degrees, TelstraClear, and Orcon.


Updated : February 7, 2024

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